Julia Morgan School for Girls is seeking a Director of Finance. The position is part-time and supported by a strong full-time assistant business manager and works closely with the Director of Operations. Please see the attached job description for details. Send all inquiries to Michele Spitulnik, Head of School, at mspitulnik@juliamorganschool.org.
About Julia Morgan School for Girls:
The Mission of Julia Morgan School for Girls is to prepare our students to be the confident, capable, creative, and compassionate women of tomorrow.
Julia Morgan School for Girls is committed to a challenging and inspiring academic program that encourages each student to recognize and meet their potential through individualized attention, cooperative learning, and the guidance of expert teachers. We are dedicated to the intellectual, creative, social, and emotional growth of girls during their critical middle school years. Our goal is to provide educational opportunities and positive role models not fully afforded to girls in coeducational institutions.
Julia Morgan School faculty have developed a rich and engaging curriculum in every subject area, with classes taught using a collaborative, project-based approach, designed when possible to integrate disciplines that have traditionally been separated. The relational model is core to what we do at Julia Morgan School and therefore cooperative learning, creative expression, and valuing each girl are emphasized. In academic classes, students are engaged in explorations of culture, as well as environmental, economic, and ethical issues.
JMSG believes students should graduate with a deep sense of social responsibility. The JMSG program nurtures each girl’s compassion and sense of social justice in every area of school life. We also take time to intentionally develop interpersonal connections and a positive school culture during Community Time every day. Weekly advising check-ins and activities, cross-grade groupings called Families, all-school meetings, along with social-emotional learning classes, develop students’ personal and social awareness, teaching them to empathize, give support within a community, and tackle the complex moral issues that arise during adolescence.
Central to the JMSG Mission is the commitment of every member of the Julia Morgan School for Girls community, including students, parents, guardians, faculty, and staff, to do her/his part in creating a positive, respectful, and supportive community.