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Membership Surveys

Developed over 30 years by Business Officers, the survey continues to evolve to meet the needs of Business Officers and independent schools.

"The survey provides extremely relevant information when benchmarking to peer schools and geographical areas, as opposed to national averages which do not come close to the over-inflated California reality. Being able to utilize this data set is invaluable when navigating the private school trustees through new terms and business peculiarities," Diane Morris, CFO, Silicon Valley International School

Easily benchmark your school's data and visually tell your school's story.

Why is the Cal-ISBOA  Statistical  Survey one of the most valued independent school surveys in the country?

  • Approximately 200 schools participate providing you with a rich data pool of schools of varied types, sizes and locations throughout California.
  • The survey is comprehensive allowing in-depth analysis of financial indicators related to independent school management and operations.
  • Results are available for your budget planning process.
  • The survey is administered by Dynamic Benchmarking, an independent expert in survey administration and bench marking.  You receive data you can trust and present with confidence.
  • The results are easy to use. Create numerous charts using dozens of financial indicators with your data and the data of peer schools for presentations to your Finance Committee and Board of Trustees.

We are committed to confidentiality.

Guidelines provided to our members ensure confidentiality when data is presented to school administration and board members.

  • Customized salary reports allow you to compare your salaries for a number of administrative and staff positions with schools that you select for comparison.
You receive outstanding support not only when you are inputting your data, but also when you are working with the survey results.  


Cal-ISBOA is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit

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